Training evaluation

Training evaluation

Training book for the month of July 2020
Total number of training entries: only 35
Total number of shots: 1.710
Most technique training: Cordula Mühlig 7 entries
Best air pistol training:
40 rounds: Axel Pralle 368
Martin Kuchinke 355
Martin Kuchinke 354
60 rounds: Viktor Deleske 583 Good job!
Viktor Deleske 577
Viktor Deleske 574
100 shots: Cordula Mühlig 882
Highest training participation (training units) Andreas Stell-Ditzel 13 units Strong!
Cordula Mühlig 9 units
Martin Kuchinke 6 units
Viktor Deleske 5 units
Most training shots: Andreas Stell-Ditzel 670 rounds
Cordula Mühlig 490 rounds
Viktor Deleske 300 rounds

Overall, the continuation of the training book is very questionable. During the Corona Lock-Down and the associated home training, participation was much higher than now, when the club houses are reopening and "normal" training is possible again. The training book is currently only used by 5 people.

Training book month June 2020
Total number of training entries: 54
Total number of shots: 2815
Most technique training: Cordula Mühlig 8 entries
Best air pistol training:
40 rounds: Remo Clemens 372 Rings
Remo Clemens 369 Rings
Remo Clemens 369 Rings
60 rounds: Viktor Deleske 582 Rings
Viktor Deleske 582 Rings
Viktor Deleske 582 Rings really 3x the same result
100 shots: Cordula Mühlig 880 Rings
Martin Kuchinke 872 Rings
Highest training participation (training units) Andreas Stell-Ditzel 10 units
Cordula Mühlig 8 units
Martin Kuchinke 8 units
Remo Clemens 8 units
Most training shots: Martin Kuchinke 420 rounds
Axel Pralle 420 rounds
Andreas Stell-Ditzel 410 rounds
Training book month May 2020
Total number of training entries: 46
Total number of shots: 2.290
Technique training: not worth mentioning
Best air pistol training:
40 rounds: Stephan Jobst 385 Rings
Stephan Jobst 380 Rings
Stephan Jobst 379 Rings
60 rounds: Viktor Deleske 582 Rings
Viktor Deleske 577 Rings
Domingos Moreira 576 Rings
100 shots: Axel Pralle 918 Rings
Axel Pralle 914 Rings
Axel Pralle 901 Rings
Highest training participation (training units) Remo Clemens 10 units
Stephan Jobst 9 units
Axel Pralle 8 units
Most training shots: Remo Clemens 700 rounds
Axel Pralle 620 rounds
Stephan Jobst 400 shots

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