2. Air pistols online league

Welcome to the 2nd Air Pistol Online League

With a click on the online league logo you will be redirected to the league website.

Here you have the following options:

    Overview - shows the current match day (the calendar week in which the teams have to shoot the competition). Group phase - shows the table status of the teams and groups Tournament rounds - shows the next matches after the group phase up to the final match dates - shows all matches of the group phase. Match day is always the last day of the calendar week in which the teams shoot. The result must be available by this day. Statistics - shows general team data

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Competition declaration

In the competition week, each team must report a team result by the specified date.Each team consists of 3 shooters for the team evaluation, as well as a maximum of 2 substitute shooters who can also take part.

The results of the team pairings are compared and the team with the highest result receives 2 team points. If the results are identical, each team receives 1 point.

The group stage consists of three team duels. The two best teams in the group stage qualify for the finals.

In the final rounds, the KO system is used and only the winner of a match goes one round. In the end, places 1 2 and places 3 4 in the final are played.

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